by: Gary L. Hutchens How many times have we heard the caution, “Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.” There has always been an atheistic element within our society, firm in their belief that there is no God. Less committed are the skeptics and agnostics, unsure whether God exists but leaning in the direction of the atheists. Of much greater number are those who believe in God but live as though they did not, demonstrating little conscience of sin and no dedication to God. Indeed, their belief in God might be more of a nuisance than a faith. Their best hope for eternity is that the atheists are right. Well, what if that were true? What if there were no God?
What would the world be like if there were no God? What would it be like to live in a world where nobody believed in God? What would it be like to have all godly influence removed from everywhere in the world? What would it be like? You wouldn’t want to live there! A world where nobody believed in God would be a world with no moral restraints. Initially, some people might think that would be great. But that assessment would be short-sighted. The horror of that reality would soon become starkly apparent. No moral restraints would mean no morality, no concept of right and wrong. Might would make right. It would not mean, simply, that you could do whatever you wanted to do but that anybody, and everybody, could also do whatever they wanted to do, including whatever they wanted to do to you! They could abuse you, beat you, rob you, even kill you, and none of those actions would be wrong. You wouldn’t want to live in such a world! A world that bore absolutely no godly influence would be a dark, dreadful, utterly hopeless place in which to live. No churches to serve as a moral compass for mankind. No Bible to teach humanity a better way of life with a higher, more noble calling. No hospitals that were initially inspired as a means of serving God. No benevolent organizations motivated by a spiritual desire to help their fellow man. No laws to benefit society that had their basis in a fundamental belief in God and morality. Many of the great works of art would not exist. Human life would have meaning, no purpose, no hope. A dog, a goat, a snake, a rat, a cockroach, a rock or a handful of dirt would be as valuable, and as valueless, as a human life. You wouldn’t want to live in that world! There is a real place where God does not exist. There is no presence of God there, none of His glory. It is a place of eternal despair, agony, hopelessness, outer darkness, eternal destruction, and there is no way out. That place is aptly called Hell! And, believe me, you don’t want to be there… Comments are closed.
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September 2022