by: Gary L. Hutchens Who are the churches of Christ? The only identity we desire is to be the church you read about in the Bible, nothing more, nothing less and nothing else! We are not a denomination. Our Lord came to this earth to establish His church (Matthew 16:18), not a denomination devised and organized by man. We diligently strive to fill our role as “the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15).
By: Gary L. Hutchens Sixty-two year old William Hyatt walked twenty-two miles across the Mojave Desert after his car broke down. He crawled the last two miles before dying face down in the sand from thirst and exhaustion. Just over the hill, just a half mile away was Saratoga Springs. He “Almost” made it to safety, but he died before he got there.
By: Gary L. Hutchens Is it OK to be almost right, almost successful in an endeavor undertaken, almost safe in the face of potential danger? We know the answer, don’t we? Almost getting that job you wanted means you did not get it. Almost winning means you lost. Almost succeeding means you failed. Almost making it across the street without getting hit by that oncoming car means you got hit! Somebody has said, “almost only works with horseshoes and hand grenades.”
By: Gary L. Hutchens “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Heb. 11:6). When considering doctrines (“teachings”) that are absolutely fundamental to Christianity, faith in God would have to head the list. Either God is the creator and designer of the universe, or He is not. Either He is the author of all life in this world, or He is not. Either He is the source for eternal life for mankind, or He is not. There is no middle ground on these matters. Faith in God, as God, is basic to our spiritual identity. Without faith in God all other teachings pertaining to Christianity are meaningless.
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September 2022