Our present societal mindset takes a dim view of absolutes. Anyone who is absolutely certain of what constitutes truth and right and wrong, for example, is commonly considered to be narrow minded, bigoted, even radical. Some might also consider him to be mentally unbalanced and possibly dangerous.
In a few days, multitudes of people in this country and around the world will supposedly celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Many will attend some kind of special church service in His honor. Others will simply feel special feelings about the Savior as they go about the day. Specific references to the birth of Christ will be uttered in prayers by some. A large number of people will get drunk!
The Bible is a marvelous body of knowledge. It is, literally, the word of God. Thus, through its message we gain some understanding of the mind of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible provides us with abundant instruction as to how to live our lives in a godly manner. Those instructions are both positive and negative. Some of them teach us how to act, what to do. Others instruct us as to what not to do, what to abstain from. The Bible even gives us insight as to how to view someone who claims to be a teacher of God’s word.
Ready or not, we are full swing into the Holiday season. Thanksgiving day is just past. That means Christmas and then New Years are not far away. Not all of us view all of the holidays with the same emphasis as do many people, but it is a pleasant and rather exciting time of the year. The holidays seem to come faster as the years go by, and it seems that preparations for them begin earlier.
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022