By: Gary L. Hutchens The word “light” is used at least two hundred forty four times in the scriptures. The first instance is in the creation account, when God created light for the earth (Gen. 1:2-5). God then designed the sun to provide light upon the earth during the day and the moon and stars to provide lesser light at night. Early mankind quickly learned to use fire for light in various forms. Today, through continued technological advances, we have developed numerous forms of artificial light. For life to exist this world needs light.
By: Gary L. Hutches Life is full of ups and downs. If we made a list of all of the positive things in our life, all of the blessings, that list would almost certainly far exceed a similar list of all of the negative things in our life. Despite that fact, we tend to focus more on the downs than on the ups, more on the negatives than on the positives. It would be a good exercise in self examination to try to figure out why this is the case.
By: Gary L. Hutchens This is probably the strangest time any of us have experienced in our lives. Everyday, throughout the day we hear reports on how many more people have tested positive for the corona virus, how many more people have been hospitalized and how many more people have died, in this country and around the world.
By: Gary L. Hutchens Most of us were probably instructed by our parents to “Be considerate of others.” The inspiration for that instruction did not originate with Mom and Dad. The principle comes from God’s word and is referred to as “The Golden Rule”: “And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.” (Luke 6:31). We paraphrase it by saying, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
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September 2022