By: Gary L. Hutchens Our Gospel Meeting with Phil Sanders begins next Sunday morning, October 1st, and runs through the following Wednesday evening, October 4th. The theme is Jesus Our Hope. What a great theme! Everybody in the world needs to know that they have real hope through Jesus. They also need to realize that their only real hope is in Jesus.
By: Phil Sanders Edited by: Gary L. Hutchens Following is a collection of excerpts from an excellent article written by Phil Sanders on the necessity of baptism for salvation. The article is much too long to use as a bulletin article in its complete form. I have spliced together these excerpts, with some accommodative editing, to demonstrate the necessity of baptism from a somewhat different perspective. Phil does an excellent job of laying out how God works through baptism to save those who believe and obey the command to be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38; Mk. 16:15-16). (Gary L. Hutchens, editor)
By: Gary L. Hutchens There’s a line in an old song that says, “Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could…” That principle is pretty much universally accepted. It is applied in a wide variety of ways throughout society.
By: Gary L. Hutchens With so much confusion on the subject of baptism, what does the Bible really say? There is virtually no doctrine more clearly laid out in scripture than that on baptism. Yet there is incredible confusion on the subject in the denominational world. This article will present, in a concise form, what the Bible teaches on baptism. It will rely only upon scripture. God’s word is the ultimate authority on matters of doctrine. What it says is the final word and settles the matter.
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022