By: Gary L. Hutchens Our Gospel Meeting with Phil Sanders begins next Sunday morning, October 1st, and runs through the following Wednesday evening, October 4th. The theme is Jesus Our Hope. What a great theme! Everybody in the world needs to know that they have real hope through Jesus. They also need to realize that their only real hope is in Jesus. People search for meaning and fulfillment in life. But, again, real meaning can only be found in a right relationship with God through Jesus. Fulfillment comes in being assured of an eternal home in Heaven with Jesus. The answer to all of the uncertainty, confusion, sadness, torment, sense of loss experienced by so many who are looking in all the wrong places is to turn to Jesus.
Jesus is our hope (1 Tim. 1:1). His words teach us of that hope (Rom. 15:4). He went to the cross to give us that hope. Through Him and only through Him we have hope of salvation and everlasting life (Acts 4:12; 1 Thess. 5:8). What can each of us do to take advantage of this special effort to communicate this hope to the people of this community and beyond? We can spread the word and invite people to come hear and learn about this hope they so desperately need. We can hand them a flyer and encourage them to come. We can send a note to people we know, inviting them to come. We can make phone calls urging people we know to come. We can send texts inviting people to come. We can post an announcement about the Gospel Meeting on our Face Book page, sending it out to all of our friends, inviting them to come. We can use twitter and email and all of the social media outlets at our disposal to invite people to come. We can pick up CD’s of the lessons and hand them, or send them, to people who do not come, asking them to listen. Then we can follow up with them, asking what they think. Of course, we need to be here ourselves, because we need to be strengthened in this hope. And, we need to be good examples of people who have this hope. We need to pray for God’s richest blessings to be upon this Gospel Meeting. We need to pray that God will guide people to come and hear this message of hope. Without Jesus people are living in hopelessness! We’ll meet at the regular times on Sunday. Monday through Wednesday evenings we’ll meet at 7:00 PM each evening. Right after services on Sunday morning we’ll share a pot-luck meal with all of our guests. The meats and sides will be provided. We need to bring desserts. Please stay and meet our guests. Let them know you appreciate their coming, and invite them to come back. Your personal touch can make all the difference. Do what you can to bring God glory… Comments are closed.
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022