What would you do if you looked outside your window at home and saw your eight year old son and his friend in your backyard playing catch with a stick of dynamite? Would it be a big deal? Would you care? Would you think it was really none of your business? Do you have any doubt that you would move as fast as you could, screaming as loud as you could, to get their attention? Do you wonder whether or not you would communicate emphatically for those boys to put down that stick of dynamite and move away from it as quickly as they could? Would the experience get your heart pumping just a little bit?
I remember a friend relating a story many years ago about a man who was stopped by a policeman on Thanksgiving day for some kind of traffic violation. After some discussion the policeman asked the man if he had anything to be thankful for. The man answered in the affirmative. The policeman responded that the man had better be thankful that he wasn’t going to give him a traffic ticket. Being stopped by a policeman is not something that would ordinarily conjure up feelings of thanksgiving in your heart. But if you were guilty of some traffic violation, you surely would be thankful if the policeman let you go with just a warning.
Whew, the elections are finally over! I really get tired of all the talk, all the hype, all the attention and all those incessant political ads! Having lived in Louisiana for so many years, where politics is practically the state sport, and it seems as though there’s almost always an election campaign going on (literally), it’s good to contemplate an escape from the routine we’ve all been exposed to for the last year and a half.
National election day is almost here. Candidates will be elected to public offices all across the nation. Most of the voting will be for state and local officials, but one-third of the seats in the US Senate and all of those in the House Of Representatives will also be up for election. This election stands out from many others in that the populace will also be voting for a new president. We’re told that this election will be the most important election in many years for the future of our nation. But that assessment has been made in regard to many such elections over the past several decades. Politics!
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022