by: Gary L. Hutchens What elevates man above the animals? Some would say, “Intellect, superior intellect is what elevates man above the animals.” Others would say “Self-awareness. Man has a sense of self-awareness that translates into meaning and purpose in life that animals do not possess.” Pretty good, thoughtful answers, but incorrect. Man is above the animals because God created man, and not the animals, in God’s own image, and He subsequently put the animals under the dominion of man (Gen. 1:26-28; 5:1; 9:1-2).
by: Gary L. Hutchens What should be our focus as to making the most of our time as Christians, pertaining both to our personal lives and to those of this world who are spiritually lost? In the broader view of things, we really have little time. Many texts in God’s word deal with this principle, but two call for particularly careful thoughtfulness in considering how we should use our time (Eph. 5:15-18; Col. 4:3-6). Both texts emphasize making the most of our time, and both admonish using our time wisely. What are some specific steps we can take to use our time wisely, in regards to both our personal spiritual well being and to considering how we can help the lost find salvation?
by: Gary L. Hutchens God has given us the greatest lifestyle system the world has ever seen- Christianity! No other discipline even begins to measure up to the quality and promise of the Christian lifestyle. Everything the world has come up with on its own pales by comparison. In fact, any philosophy devised by man that removes God as its central tenet generally brings misery and is doomed to failure.
by: Gary L. Hutchens Often, we feel unable to do something that needs to be done. This line of reasoning is constantly used by individuals and congregations in relation to serving God. In some cases we say we don’t have time to serve God as we would like. Sometimes we state that we just don’t have the ability to do some good work that needs to be done. In other cases we claim to not have sufficient resources to the get the job done.
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022