by: Gary L. Hutchens Many church leaders are dismayed that so many members have left their churches. They wonder how they can stem the tide and what they can ultimately do to bring them back. Studies indicate a growing percentage of people who claim belief in God yet seldom attend church services anywhere, a disturbing trend indeed.
By: Gary L. Hutchens A great many churches, and a great many people who make up those churches, have lost their perspective as to what worship is supposed to be about. The various Greek words translated “worship” in the New Testament convey the idea of making obeisance (respectful behavior), revering, holding in awe, giving honor, glorifying, acting piously toward God. All of these terms point to a serious, purposeful mindset on the part of the worshipper.
by:Gary L. Hutchens Have you been told that it does not really matter what you believe, religiously? Many members of denominational churches are being told by their ministers that, basically, as long as they believe in God and Jesus, that’s all that really matters. Everything else is open to individual understanding, interpretation and application.
by: Gary L. Hutchens Much of the denominational world is being turned upside down. Longtime members of various denominations have found themselves somewhat perplexed by the way their churches have been changing before their very eyes. It’s not just that old church buildings are being replaced by newer, more modern looking structures. The changes go to the very core of many of the beliefs and teachings of those churches.
by: Joshua Hartwigsen (Copied And Edited) If you're a parent, or under the age of thirty, you probably know the name “Fortnite.” For the rest of us, Fortnite is a free-to-play, online video game in which a hundred players are dropped onto a cartoonish, post-apocalyptic island and fight one another to the death in an ever-shrinking area (the playable area of the island continuously shrinks during the game, forcing the remaining players into a smaller and smaller area in which they must either kill or be killed).
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022