by: Gary L. Hutchens On the night of His betrayal, Jesus was in the “upper room” with the apostles. In one of the longest immediate contexts of scripture in the entire New Testament (Jn. 13-17), and just before the events that led to His leaving them and going back to Heaven began to unfold, Jesus gave the apostles a great deal of instruction and encouragement. That very evening He was taken into custody and run through a series of mock hearings. The next day He was on the cross.
by: Gary L. Hutchens Ready or not, we are full swing into the Holiday season. Thanksgiving day is just ahead. That means that Christmas and then New Year’s Day are not far away. Of course, not all of us view all of the holidays with the same emphasis as do many people, but it can be a pleasant, even rather exciting time of the year. The holidays seem to come faster as the years go by, and preparations for them begin earlier.
By: Gary L. Hutches Everything that God created is distinctive. The church is no different; it is distinctive by its design and very nature. In order to live up to its identity, the church must maintain its distinctiveness.
by: Gary L. Hutchens Does doctrine matter? Many people would say that doctrine does not matter. Really? The word doctrine simply means teaching. Does teaching matter? Consider what the scriptures say.
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022