God's word is "living and powerful" (Hebrews 4:12). God guides us and communicates His will to us through His word (Psalm 119:105). The gospel message of salvation is revealed to us in God's word (Romans 1:16). By reading His word we understand that it is through the gospel that we are actually called to salvation (2 Thessalonians 2:13-14). His word guides us as to how to live a faithful, productive Christian life after coming to salvation (2 Timothy 3:15-17). It is no wonder that God instructs us to diligently study His word in order to be able to correctly understand and apply it to our lives, and to stand approved before Him (2 Timothy 2:15). Since God's word is so vital to our spiritual well being, we need to spend a great deal of purposeful, focused time reading, learning, and contemplating all that is revealed to us therein. Bible classes naturally fill the bill, so to speak, along this lilne. Bible classes are specifically designed to teach scripture. Generally, they are structured so as to teach in a rather intensive and methodical manner. It is common for Bible classes to afford the opportunity for a student to be able to ask specific questions and in that way come to a better understanding of a text.
Children's Bible classes are just as beneficial and important. In fact, Bible classes provide some of the most effective Bible teaching for children. Material is used that is written more nearly on their level of understanding. In many cases, children who are in Bible class on a regular, weekly basis probably get better, more consistent instruction in the scriptures than they do at home. Literally, much of the formative learning in a child's spiritual development is gained in Bible classes. The wise man wrote, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6). With all of this in mind, where are you during Bible class? Where are your children? Do you make it a point to be in Bible class every week in order to gain the knowledge that is waiting for you in the teachings of the scriptures? Do you see that your children are in Bible class every week in order that they may learn all of God's will and be fully equipped to live their lives in His service? The person who knows and lives by God's word has great advantage over others when faced with the challenges and difficulties of life. Are you in Bible class, gaining that advantage? Children who are taught, whose lives are molded, by the teachings of God's word are much better prepared to face life than are others without that training. They have understanding, a sense of purpose and direction, that other children do not typically have. Are your children in Bible class, receiving that training? It's easy to get careless in our thinking. As we do, it becomes easier and easier to miss Bible class. All kinds of excuses can be thought of. But before we know it, we've missed more classes than we've attended. Missing has become the norm, and being in class is the exception, and our children are growing up without proper instruction in God's word. We didn't mean for it to be that way, it just happened. It'll only change when we make up our mind to change. It begins with the simple questions: Where are you during Bible class? Where are your children during Bible class? Comments are closed.
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022