This series of articles has been extensive. Its theme has centered on the belief that our culture in this nation has been turned Upside Down… The various articles in this series (nineteen of them to this point) have pointed to numerous examples that illustrate this belief to be fact. This article concludes this series with some final thoughts. As noted earlier, a nation’s culture identifies its character. As goes its culture, so goes a nation. As its culture degrades, the strength of the nation naturally degrades along with it. Our culture is imploding, collapsing inwardly upon itself. The moral fabric of our nation is coming apart. Our character is eroding. We are self-destructing.
As a people, we used to have a moral consciousness that served as something of a compass that guided us to instinctively consider, at least in a general way, what would be the godly thing to do in regard to a given issue. Our founding fathers continuously referred to God in their addresses and writings, unashamedly honoring Him as the Creator and calling for His wisdom and guidance in their leadership roles. The population embodied a basic morality that respected God and led them to strive to submit to His will in all matters. Our nation no longer has that mindset. Our moral conscience has been “seared with a hot iron” (1 Tim. 4:2). We’ve given ourselves “over to lewdness” and ungodliness to such an extent that we’re “past feeling” (Eph. 4:19). The compass is broken. Our leaders, for the most part, are careful to not identify themselves as people governed and guided by God in their decision making. Our public schools are meticulous in keeping any positive reference to God out of their curriculum and their activities. Our schools of supposed higher learning incessantly hammer away, trying to degrade and destroy their students’ faith in God. The media not only promotes all manner of ungodliness, wickedness and sexual immorality, they actually glorify such. A large segment of the so-called clergy of our nation has lost its way, rejecting the authority of scripture and endorsing much of the social and moral changes that are destroying our culture. Solomon penned God’s warning: “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Prov. 14:34). History is filled with examples of nations that have gone down the path that our nation is now traveling, to their ruin. To not pay attention to the lessons of history dooms us to repeat those mistakes. Someone has said that to attempt to do the same thing in the same way over and over, always expecting different results, is the definition of insanity. We are moving down an insane cultural path. It will be to our ruin, unless we come to our senses and begin to turn right side up what is now Upside Down… Comments are closed.
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022