By: Gary L. Hutchens This world is an uncertain place, and life herein is equally uncertain. History is filled with examples of such uncertainty. Many people would take security in the supposed sovereignty of their country. But the geographic landscape of this world is always in a state of continual flux. In its day the Assyrian empire was mighty, but it no longer exists. Egypt was once a powerful, conquering nation but ceased to be so many hundreds of years ago. The Babylonian empire was sweeping in its conquests, but its reign of power was comparatively brief. The Persian empire was even more impressive in its might, but its empire status ceased long ago. The Greek empire under Alexander was like no other before it. Long since gone. The Roman empire far surpassed all of those previous to it, including that of the Greeks. It crumbled well over one thousand years ago.
More recent history points to the conquests of Napoleon, the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires, Hitler and the Soviet Union. All have washed away with the sands of time. Countless individual countries have changed names and boundaries through the centuries. These kinds of changes have always taken place and will undoubtedly continue to occur as long as this world exists. On a more personal level how many people who were once wealthy eventually lost everything due to changes in the economic landscape around them? How many jobs have been lost as changing realities brought an end to once secure industries? People work hard, save money, buy a home and prepare for retirement. But how many homes have been destroyed by fire and natural disasters? How many seemingly healthy lives have been devastated, or lost, due to incapacitating injury and catastrophic disease? This world is always changing. Forces that produce stability for awhile eventually become unstable with time. Economies change. New revolutions and wars are always being waged. Violence of various sorts is continual. Drought and famine recur on a regular basis, and widespread hunger and disease result. Volcanoes erupt, earthquakes happen, rivers overflow their banks and flood the land. New contagions, epidemics and pandemics raise their ugly heads on a repeated basis. Such are the ways of this world. So many people foolishly put the stock of their lives in security attached to the affairs of a constantly changing, unstable and uncertain world order. Real security, the greatest sense of peace and the only real hope for mankind is found in Jesus Christ. Turn to God’s word, and learn how you can tap into that eternal security and find that abiding peace that will truly become the anchor of your life. “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil…” (Heb. 6:19). We’d like to help you find the peace, security and hope that is found only in a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ (Phlp. 4:7). Please ask us… Comments are closed.
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022