What is the quickest way to become unfaithful? Jesus stated that our living faithfully “until death” is a condition upon which He will give us“the crown of life” ( Rev. 2:10 ). Faithfulness does not just happen. It requires determination, commitment and dedication. The apostle Paul described himself as having devoted his life to Christ ( Gal. 2:20 ). He emphasized, “it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me;” . Later, he admonished, “ Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth” ( Col. 3:1-2 ). A mindset focused on faithfulness is fundamental to living faithfully before God. Obviously, our desire, our focus, our determination should be to live a faithful life before God on a daily basis. That said, what is the biggest danger to faithfulness? What is the quickest way to become unfaithful?
The quickest way to become unfaithful is to do nothing! Don’t read your Bible, don’t try to broaden your knowledge of scripture, don’t strive for greater insight into God’s will for your life. Studying God’s word is foundational to standing approved before God ( 2 Tim. 2:15 ). Indeed, faith is actually developed and strengthened through diligent, ongoing Bible study ( Rom. 10:17 ). So, stay out of God’s word- don’t read it, don’t listen to it being taught- and you’ll naturally become unfaithful. Don’t pray. Prayer puts you in touch with your Father in Heaven, under His influence. You were created in His image. He cares about you. Through prayer you can bring all of your needs and desires before Him, and He will listen ( 1 Jn. 5:14-15 ). He can bless you with wisdom to guide you in your life ( Jas. 1:5 ). You can call upon Him anytime, and He will answer ( Jer. 33:3 ). So, don’t pray to God, don’t communicate with Him, and it will be highly probable that you’ll become unfaithful. Don’t attend church services. Worshipping and studying with your brothers and sisters in Christ, as they come together as the church, will strengthen your faith ( Heb. 10:23 ). The words of the songs sung in worship have meaning. They praise God, but they also teach and admonish those gathered together to worship God through those songs (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16 ). So, stay away when the church gathers to worship God and study His word, and unfaithfulness will almost certainly follow. Don’t get involved in any work or activity of the church. As the church, as Christians, we’re “created…for good works, which God prepared…that we should walk in them,” ( Eph. 2:10 ). Those works are “good and profitable” ( Tit. 3:8 ), from a spiritual perspective. They are indicative of faithfulness, and they will help us grow stronger in the faith. So, don’t get actively involved in the works and activities of the church, and you will throw open the door to unfaithfulness. Don’t do anything to nurture, grow or protect your faith. Be complacent, uninvolved, uninterested, non-committal and lackadaisical in your spiritual life. Just do nothing, and you’ll be guaranteed to be unfaithful. In fact, doing nothing is definitely the quickest way to become unfaithful… Comments are closed.
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022