By: Gary L. Hutchens We live in a world that is both obsessed with security and at the same time frustrated by the realization that true security is becoming increasingly elusive. Security cameras are everywhere. New, high-tech, super sophisticated weapons systems are continually being incorporated into the defensive systems of nations all around the world in an effort to insure their security from outside attack. But as soon as a new weapons system is deployed, it is already virtually out of date. A newer, more sophisticated, better system designed to defeat the first is either in the developmental process or, in many cases, ready to come on line. One of the most critical areas of security for any nation is its economic system. Nations operate on economics. When a nation develops economic problems of one sort or another, it usually has an effect on the citizens of that country. Unemployment rates can rise significantly, which further impacts that nation’s economy. If a nation’s economy is perceived to be insecure by other nations with which it does business, then that nation is automatically weakened globally. Thus, governments go to great lengths to insure the security of their economy.
Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent on software designed to make computers secure against would-be hackers. But any security system that can be designed can be beaten by other designers. In a world that is so tied together by computers, nothing is hack proof. The evidence of this truth is reported in the news with alarming regularity. Identity theft is just one aspect of this much larger problem. People look to the wrong sources for real security. Simply put, this world is not a secure place. Nations rise, and nations fall. Economies rise and crumble. Companies that offered security for their employees for decades suddenly get bought out, downsized, relocated or go bankrupt. People work for forty years, make seemingly wise investment decisions only to lose huge portions of their savings due to economic upheaval. It happens on a regular basis. As trite as it may sound to some, real security can only be found in a right relationship with God. Ultimate security simply cannot be found in what this world has to offer. Scripture speaks of “an anchor of the soul.” That anchor is the “hope” of eternal life with God in Heaven (Hebrews 6:19). That hope is not just a desire; it is also an expectation. Those whose lives are anchored in that hope experience the “peace of God, which…will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7). God is described as “the God of hope” (Rom. 15:13). He has provided His word to guide us as to how the “hope” of eternal life can become reality for each one of us (Romans 15:4). “In Christ” is where salvation is found (Romans 8:1). By being “baptized into Christ” (Romans 6:3; Galatians 3:27), we enter into a security that only God can provide. Are you ready to come to your Lord and Savior and find the ultimate security of eternal life? The choice is yours… Comments are closed.
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022