From: Bulletin Digest, via Whitwell, TN (Edited) Satan called a convention of his evil angels. In his opening remarks he said, “We can’t keep the Christians from going to church. We can’t keep them from reading their Bibles and learning the truth. We can keep them from developing an intimate, steadfast relationship with Christ. This is crucial, for if they gain that connection with the Savior, our power over them is broken.” “So, let them go to church. But steal their time so they can’t develop and maintain a close, sustaining relationship with Jesus Christ. This is what I want you to do, my evil servants. Distance them from their Savior throughout every day.”
“How shall we do this?” shouted the evil angels. Satan answered, “Keep them busy doing seemingly important things but not the most important things they should be doing. Keep them busy with non-essentials. Invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds.” “Tempt them to spend and spend and spend and then to borrow and borrow and borrow. Keep them deep in debt so their minds will be continually burdened with how much they owe. But continue to present them with attractive new innovations, and persuade them that they have to have those things. Keep their minds off of Jesus.” “Convince them that wives and mothers need to work full-time jobs to afford their empty lifestyles. Keep the relationship between husbands and wives strained over money. Create obstacles to keep parents from spending quality time with their children. Break down their home life. Keep them busy, keep their minds occupied, keep them burdened so they can’t hear that still, small voice.” “Entice them to spend all of their free time watching TV, listening to immoral music, playing video games. Consume them with texting, face book, twitter and all types of social media. Make sure they’re confronted all day long with temptations that will keep their focus away from the Savior.” “Fill their minds with constant reports of bad news from the media. Bombard them with messages of gloom and doom. Convince them the world is in a hopeless state, that mankind is destroying the planet. Promote social upheaval, violence, insurrection, war.” “Present an attractive image of escape and ecstasy through alcohol and drugs. Get countless millions hooked. Develop a drug trade that robs people of their money, integrity and self-esteem. Draw young children in and turn them violent. Make the drug culture so prevalent that society is forced to spend huge resources to try to counteract its effects. Destroy families through addiction. Addiction will keep people away from Jesus.” “Promote sex at every turn. Flood television and movies with illicit sexual content. Fill music with songs that glamorize sexual promiscuity. Portray it in such a way as to make immorality appear moral. Encourage young mothers to dress their little girls to look like prostitutes so as to be in fashion. Develop a powerful pornography industry that will degrade sexuality. Push sexual perversion of all kinds, but portray them in such a way as to make them appear normal. Demonize the Bible for teaching against sexual immorality.” “Do whatever you can, everything you can to prevent them from being close to Jesus. Whatever you do, just keep them away from Jesus Christ, their Savior, and we’ll win!” And Satan’s evil angels cheered… Comments are closed.
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022