We’re at the beginning of a new year. This is a time when people are contemplating making changes in their lives. They think about how things have been going and consider what they would like to change to make their lives better. Let me urge you to consider what could be one of the most significant changes that you could make. Resolve, make up your mind, to be in Bible classes every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening, as consistently as you possibly can be. If you have children, resolve to bring them to Bible classes every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. The greatest percentage of New Year’s resolutions probably have to do with matters on the physical and material side of life. People resolve to lose weight, get in shape, eat better, pay off bills, save money, look for a better job… While some initial progress is usually made, people end up not following through on most of these resolutions. The natural result is the desired goal is not achieved.
Some smaller percentage of resolutions probably deals with matters involving personal relationships. A husband or wife may resolve to work on their relationship with their spouse. A parent may resolve to work on their relationship with their children, or it might be the other way around. It could be that somebody will resolve to work to improve a relationship at work, or one in the neighborhood. Again, it’s easy to lose focus and let one’s resolve slip away. As important as such resolutions can be, they’re somewhat limited in scope because they primarily deal with life in this world. But focusing the bulk of your attention and energy on improving your spiritual life can achieve more far reaching results. It’s difficult for many people to realize, but improving your spiritual life can actually lead to improvements in your physical life. It’s a matter of better focus and direction that serves to govern every aspect of your life. It’s a matter of implementing a higher ideal that ultimately produces higher and more sweeping benefits throughout your life. It takes you beyond just the physical, temporary side of life and focuses on life from an eternal perspective. God’s word is our bottom line source for guidance in our spiritual lives. The more time your spend improving your knowledge of the Bible, the more natural it’s going to be for you to grow stronger spiritually. Faith comes by hearing the word of God (Rom. 10:17), and faith grows commensurate to your continued study of God’s word (2 Tim. 2:15; 3:16-17). As that happens, your whole life, including your attitudes, improves. Most important, as you live according to God’s teachings you can be assured of eternal life with Him in Heaven. You need the instruction, the guidance, the spiritual strength that you can gain by being in Bible classes on a regular basis. And, your children need to be instructed in God’s teachings in order to get their lives focused on the right things. As a parent, you need all the positive influence in their lives that you can get. What better source for such than in Bible classes? Help yourself and help your children improve your lives immeasurably this year. Resolve to be in Bible classes… Comments are closed.
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022