What would you do if you looked outside your window at home and saw your eight year old son and his friend playing catch in your backyard with a stick of dynamite? Would it be a big deal? Would you care? Would you think it was really none of your business? Do you have any doubt that you would move as fast as you could, screaming as loud as you could, to get their attention? Do you wonder whether or not you would communicate emphatically for those boys to put down that stick of dynamite and move away from it as quickly as they could? Would the experience get your heart pumping just a little bit? Of course, nobody with any sense plays with explosives. You wouldn’t do it, and you’d never allow your children to do it. But what if the dynamite didn’t explode? Would it be thrilling to watch that stick of dynamite float back and forth through the air? Would it be a rush to catch it in your own hands, knowing at any instant it could explode and take your life, but finish the game still alive? Is the potential thrill of risking death worth it?
Absolutely, positively, most emphatically NO! That’s why you’ll never see me bungy- jumping. The potential consequences far outweigh whatever thrill it might provide. But many people regularly play with far more dangerous explosives than any stick of dynamite. And many parents allow- even encourage- their kids to do the same. I’m talking about playing with sin! We’d be shocked if we knew how many people all around us, many of them people we know, play around with marijuana or a little cocaine or prescription medication they’ve gotten from somebody- just for the thrill of the high. And parents all over the place throw parties for their teenage kids at their own homes and buy the kegs of beer themselves. How many wives have flirted with some good looking guy they weren’t married to for the thrill of the experience? How many husbands have risked their families for a quick fling with some loose woman they met in a bar? How many moms have taken their daughters to the doctor and had them put on birth control pills, just to be safe? How many dads have counseled their sons to make sure they use “protection?” How many people play around over the internet? How many expose themselves to pornography, looking for a cheap thrill? How many young, teenage girls can you see walking around the malls every day dressed like they’re for hire? How many people will go to bars and clubs that serve as brewing pots for all kinds of evil? “For the wages of sin is death…” (Rom. 6:23). That’s eternal death (2 Thess. 1:9) in a lake of fire and brimstone where those dying are surrounded by the worst kinds of people (Rev. 21:8) and experience ongoing, terrible, unending agony (Lk. 16:23-24). Does that end sound like its worth risking for the cheap, short-lived thrills of sin? We would do well to take a lesson from Moses (Heb. 11:24-25). Does giving up all of that sound like a boring life? Well, maybe you’d rather play catch with a stick of dynamite... Comments are closed.
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022