Imagine starting off your day tomorrow however you normally do. Perhaps you have breakfast, get into your car and head off to work. You turn on the radio, ready to listen to the early morning news broadcast. While listening, the broadcaster announces that Jesus will be in town today at such and such location, at such and such time. You’d be stunned. Jesus, coming right here to the city where you live. What an opportunity to see Him, to hear Him speak! But, would you go to see Jesus? The scriptures give accounts of people who went out of their way, in some cases to extraordinary lengths, to see Jesus. Zacchaeus, a tax collector, heard that Jesus was going to be in his city on a certain day (Lk. 19:1-10). He wanted to see Jesus. However, the crowd was big, and Zacchaeus was a short man. So, learning the route that Jesus was to take, Zacchaeus “ran ahead and climbed up into a Sycamore tree to see Him” (vs. 4). Jesus called him down from the tree and went and stayed in Zacchaeus’ home for a time. Later, Jesus said, “Today, salvation has come to this house…” (vs. 9).
On another occasion, news that Jesus was in Capernum brought a crowd to the house where he was at that time (Mk. 2:1-12). The crowd pressed in so tight to hear Jesus teach that “there was no longer room to receive them, not even near the door” (vs. 2). Four men carried a man who was paralyzed, on a bed, to the house where Jesus was teaching. When they arrived, the way being blocked, they carried the bed up onto the roof, broke through and lowered the man on the bed down before Jesus. Impressed by their faith, Jesus pronounced the man’s sins forgiven and then healed him of his paralysis (vs. 5-12). On another day, Jesus was on His way to the home of Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, whose daughter was dying (Lk. 8:40-48). As Jesus made His way, a multitude was described as thronging and pressing Him as they followed along. In the midst of that crowd, a woman who had suffered from a bleeding problem for many years pressed her way forward and touched the border of Jesus’ garment. When she did, her infirmity was healed (vs. 43-44). Jesus, perceiving what had happened, praised her faith, pronounced her healed and told her to “Go in peace” (vs. 48). These cases depict people who went out of their way to see Jesus and were blessed as a result. Each of us has the opportunity every Sunday and Wednesday evening to be in the presence of Jesus as His body, the church, gathers together here in His name (Matt. 18:20). Now, you might say that if you knew Jesus was coming to town today you’d do whatever was necessary to make sure to be in the crowd so you could see Jesus. But will you be in the crowd that gathers here in this building each Sunday and Wednesday to be in the presence of Jesus? If not, what reasoning will you use to justify your absence? Blessing awaits you if you will come. So, will you come to see Jesus?… Comments are closed.
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022