Foolishness can be observed in various forms all around us, including in our personal lives. In some forms foolishness is basically just harmless fun, as long as it is not carried too far. Everybody needs to take some time to relax, have some fun, as my parents used to put it, cut up a little. As long as it is kept in proper perspective, with no harm being done, that kind of foolishness can actually be productive, having a rejuvenating effect and contributing to having a good time without negative consequences. In other forms foolishness can be destructive from the outset. Sometimes, people have evil intent in the foolishness they pursue. They enter into wicked activities, purposefully seek them out. knowing ahead of time that they're wrong. Sexual immorality of various types, drunkenness, drug abuse, violence, vandalism and many other overtly sinful practices can often be attributed to such foolishness.
But there are still other forms of foolishness that can be just as destructive, though less purposefully so. Often, people foolishly ignore, or procrastinate over, measures that need to be taken to safeguard their health. A person is diagnosed with a serious, potentially life-threatening respiratory problem. The doctor instructs the patient that he needs to quit smoking. In some cases the patient ignores the doctor's advice altogether, putting it out of his mind. In other cases he might express his intention to quit, or at least cut back, but he procrastinates and does not follow through in a timely manner. Either response can be described as destructive foolishness. It's careless, foolish, to ignore or procrastinate over something with such potentially destructive consequences. A similar scenario would be a person neglecting to take blood pressure medication that is essential to keep his otherwise dangerously high blood pressure under control. Another would be a person with diabetes who will not discipline himself to maintain a proper diet that will keep his diabetes under control. The list of examples could go on and on... But the absolute worst case of destructive foolishness is the person who knows that his soul is in jeopardy because of the way he's living his life, but he either keeps putting off making the changes necessary, or he simply refuses to do so. The scenarios cited above have to do with physical health and well being, situations that could result in physical death. As tragic as that could be, a person who willfully neglects his spiritual health is playing Russian roulette with his could. Neglecting one's spiritual well being can result in eternal death! If your spiritual life is not right with God, you should begin right now to take the appropriate steps needed to change your life. We would be glad to help you study God's word in regards to salvation, obedience and faithfulness. Please speak to one of us after services about your concerns. Don't procrastinate over your spiritual health any longer. Don't practice destructive foolishness!... Comments are closed.
AuthorGary L. Hutchens Categories
September 2022